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We had the opportunity to meet designer Nicky Vu on a scorching hot day in Hanoi. The intense sun arrogantly denied anyone the calmness to step out onto the streets without protective gear. Amidst the suffocating heat, we entered the "cool oasis" - the location where his fashion products were displayed, at DeTHEIA design center on Ba Trieu street.

In an instant, I felt as if I had stepped into an art exhibition space, where the clothing sets were like works of art without boundaries. Behind the lush green banana leaves stood a slender figure in aesthetically pleasing attire. With a radiant look in his eyes, he greeted us with a cheerful hello and a bright smile, unintentionally creating a joy-filled atmosphere.

During this interview, we met a resilient Nicky Vu, a fashion designer who is not afraid of challenges and dares to live and work in accordance with his passion. Simultaneously, he adheres to the principle that the future is always built upon history, which is a core aspect of both his work and daily life.





PV: Hello Mr. Nicky Vu. It is known that your life revolves around the flow of fashion. So when and why did you pursue this path?

NTK Nicky Vu: My first encounter with fashion was when I was just a 13-year-old boy. At that time, I was passionate about painting. During my exploration of painting, I had the opportunity to come into contact with fashion through TV shows, magazines, and newspapers, and I realized that there is art in fashion - and fashion in art. However, at that time, my only goal was to pursue painting.

When I graduated from high school with a 2D graphic design degree, I decided to switch to fashion and have since pursued it as my second passion.

PV: I noticed that your designs are all inspired by art. Can you tell us why your fashion products have such a unique style?

NTK Nicky Vu: My designs incorporate the colors of art partly because of my passion for it. From the earliest memories, I knew that I loved painting. Specifically, when I was in primary and middle school, I got acquainted with art through drawing comics, participating in art contests at school, and learning through television and print media.

In high school, I studied abroad and was exposed to European culture, where I realized that art carries its own cultural identity, but at some "point of contact," they harmonize in an indescribable way.

Now, in the world of fashion, I bring my love for art to create a difference and a unique style in my fashion designs.

PV: It is known that you studied at Central Saint Martins School (University of the Arts London - UAL). Can you describe your time studying and your experiences at this famous institution?

NTK Nicky Vu: It can be said that Central Saint Martins was a stepping stone that helped me realize my dream of becoming a fashion designer. The curriculum mainly focuses on the necessary skills for creativity and innovative thinking in design. I learned how to transform my creative ideas into designs using real materials.

In addition, my time studying here has also helped me build the necessary skills for a designer. Furthermore, this place once again immersed me in the magnificent art culture and has provided me with a lot of inspiration until now.





PV: What fate brought you to the women's fashion brand DeTHEIA? NTK Nicky Vu: DeTHEIA is like a new beginning for me. With a love for fashion and a desire to bring new lifestyle products to women, I launched the premium women's fashion brand DeTHEIA at the end of last year. For me, DeTHEIA is my spiritual child. It is where I dedicate myself, putting all my energy, intellect, and emotions into conveying meaningful stories and historical significance to customers through fashion products.

PV: So how do you develop your own personal style? NTK Nicky Vu: My style is a blend and combination that creates a harmonious whole. In addition to creativity, I spend a lot of time studying trends, analyzing the market and customers, and harmoniously combining factors in line with the brand direction to create my own personal style as well as the style of the DeTHEIA brand.

PV: What do you like most about this job? NTK Nicky Vu: The allure of being a fashion designer is witnessing the growth of my brand and myself from the most basic aspects of everyday life. Furthermore, it is an opportunity for me to continue researching, creating, and applying my abilities, contributing to society. Moreover, through my fashion designs, I can express gratitude and convey a message to our half of the world, "Women, always be confident, optimistic, and ready to face challenges in life! DeTHEIA will always accompany you in every situation of modern society."

PV: It is known that in June you launched a new collection inspired by Art Nouveau art, could you share more about it? NTK Nicky Vu: That's right. The collection named FIN DeSIECLE is inspired by the Art Nouveau art of the beautiful Belle Époque era in 19th century Paris. In this collection, I incorporated the unique features of Art Nouveau art, such as curvaceous lines, floral and leaf motifs, and asymmetric lines, into the costumes to enhance the beauty of women. In each of my designs, women are always placed at the center. I always put myself in the position of women to understand how their busy days are and create designs suitable for various situations so that the wearer always leaves a different and outstanding impression among the crowd. Beyond fashion, the 19 dress designs in this collection are like 19 puzzle pieces, creating a deep masterpiece of the enchanting beauty of nature imprinted with the elegance of the Belle Époque era.

PV: Can you share a memorable experience during the process of creating the collection? NTK Nicky Vu: Perhaps it was my recent business trip. After having the design idea for the collection, I had an impromptu business trip to Europe. Once again, I immersed myself in the artworks wherever I went. In the streets of Paris, Art Nouveau art left the most special imprint on me. From simple and humble structures like old metro stations to grand and ancient buildings like the Grand Palais, Art Nouveau is like a specialty of this glamorous land. And luckily, in the position of a fashion designer, I had the opportunity to convey these inspirations and emotions directly to customers through the fashion products in the FIN DeSIECLE collection.

PV: As a designer, you must always nurture your own creativity, but how do you balance it with practicality in business? NTK Nicky Vu: Of course, nurturing one's own creativity to make one's products always different is the goal of any designer. To achieve this, the creative individual must maintain a practical perspective without losing their own romantic and lofty nature, and this can be said to be a challenge that any designer in business must face. As long as they are in this profession, they must always struggle with this difference, finding a way to balance the creative and commercial aspects. And a talented designer is the one who knows how to moderate and harmonize these two elements in their journey in the industry. For me, the most important element in designing a product is the aesthetic sense of the customers. Therefore, every design of DeTHEIA must ensure the harmony between factors: contemporary aesthetics - the designer's vision - brand direction - trends and inspiration. Because the customers are the ones who determine the life and death of the product.




PV: Focusing on exquisite designs that require strict requirements in cutting and sewing, not only I but also the staff must find a common voice in positioning the brand. So how do I communicate that spirit to the employees?

Designer Nicky Vu: In both work and life, I always choose to communicate and act in a way that reflects my true personality.

In terms of personal life, colleagues evaluate me as sociable, fun, or teasing others to create interest and convey an optimistic spirit to those around me.

In work, being strict and demanding is the most authentic aspect of my personality, and sometimes it is expressed very decisively. There are things that when I communicate to employees, they understand immediately and do very well, but sometimes they don't understand, so I have to do it again until achieving the best results.

From the smallest details in design to the business orientation of the DeTHEIA brand, they are always conveyed through the working process, and it must continue in collaboration to create achievements that resonate from both sides.

In return for high requirements in work, I also sincerely love my employees. I believe that sincerity will help them empathize with the strictness that I set, and from there, they will grasp the criteria for the style and spirit of the brand to fully convey it to customers.





PV: What is your philosophy in life and how does it influence your design?

NTK Nicky Vu: My philosophy in life is that the future is always built upon history. No matter how much the world develops, the values of history will always endure with time.

It is not difficult to see historical works such as the Saigon Notre-Dame Cathedral in Vietnam or the Eiffel Tower, the entrances to the Paris Metro... as witnesses of the beautiful Labell Epoche era.

Carrying the look of ups and downs with time, but anyone standing in front of it still feels small and overwhelmed by its grandeur. So I always want to incorporate historical elements into fashion, while still maintaining a balance with creativity, trend research, and most importantly, always putting myself in the position of the customers to create the best products.

PV: So are you a history lover?

NTK Nicky Vu: I must say that I am a history enthusiast. From my love for art and studying it, I have learned more about history and discovered the cultural identity of different periods in art works.

As mentioned before, for me, everything at this moment has been built from history, so I appreciate and thank history for giving me inspiration to create fashion designs. And most importantly, through my products, I want people to understand more about the story of history and bridge the gap between fashion and art.

PV: What qualities do you think are necessary to become a successful designer? And what advice do you have for young designers?

NTK Nicky Vu: In my position as a designer, I think the qualities needed to become a successful fashion designer, in addition to passion, research, creativity, and perseverance, include a desire to develop oneself. This is also my advice to young people who have a love for fashion and aspire to become designers.

PV: Thank you, NTK Nicky Vu, for giving us an interesting meeting today. We wish you and DeTHEIA brand even greater success in your mission to conquer the limits of aesthetics and bring the best products to women.